Swansea needs councillors who vote against cuts! No to austerity - vote Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC).

Don’t waste the opportunity to send a clear ‘no more cuts’ message by voting for Ronnie Job, TUSC: the only no-cuts, socialist candidate in Swansea West in the 2015 General Election!

Thursday 29 March 2012

Defend pensions - now for united national action

The London regional strike by UCU and NUT in defence of their pensions received magnificent support both from their own members and from the public. An estimated 10,000 marched in solidarity with the strike. For excellent coverage, analysis and pictures see: http://electmartin1.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/march-28-report-and-photos-of-londons.html

The virtual media blackout however shows that it is national action co-ordinated across a number of unions that is vitally needed. This should include both the unions that rejected the "heads of agreement" but also those, like my own, who initially signed up to it. Members will have their own say shortly and it is obvious that any agreement based on this framework will lead to members paying more, working longer and receiving less.

Any perceived weakness on our part will result in further aggression from the Tories and their Lib Dem sidekicks; it already has with the proposal to introduce regional pay (a potential disaster for Wales). On the other hand if we regain the unity and solidarity of November 30 - we can win!

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